Page 47 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 47

campaign, popular wisdom for years was              nutritional value unmatched by any
        to avoid eggs to keep your bad cholesterol          edible critters on land. Shrimp specifically
        levels in check. After more scientific              are very high in protein and very low in
        inquiry, it has been proven that eating more        calories, making them an excellent way to
        eggs does not necessarily correlate with            build or maintain lean muscle. Diets higher
        higher cholesterol levels in the body. Eggs         in shrimp versus other forms of meat are
        do, however, contain myriad nutritional             shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular
        properties that make them an excellent              disease.
        part of any balanced diet. Make sure to eat         In conclusion, the old saying, “You are
        the yolk, not just the whites, to take full        what you eat,” holds more truth than
        advantage of their nutritional value, as the       we often realise. The evidence is clear:
        yolk has the most density of vitamins like         eating healthy food is essential for your
        vitamin B, which helps with brain function.        longevity. The choices we make when it
                                                           comes to our diet have a profound impact
        50. Shrimp                                         on our overall health and how long we can
                                                           enjoy a high quality of life. By prioritising
                                                           nutritious, balanced meals that are rich
                                                           in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean
                                                           proteins, and healthy fats, we empower
                                                           ourselves to prevent and manage chronic
                                                           diseases, maintain a healthy weight, and
                                                           boost our immune system. These dietary
                                                           choices not only contribute to a longer life
                                                           but also improve our overall well-being,
                                                           providing us with the energy and vitality
                                                           to make the most of the years we have. So,
        Benefit: Maintains muscle mass                     remember, the path to a longer, healthier
        While seafood isn’t exactly everyone’s             life begins on your plate. Choose wisely,
        favorite kind of food–head-on shrimp do            eat well, and invest in a future filled with
        kind of look like undersea insects–most            vitality, happiness, and the priceless gift of
        kinds of seafood pack an impressive                longevity.

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