Page 49 - Seniorstoday October 2023 Issue
P. 49

of blindside, she transferred that amount          best and it was reassuring indeed to Navya.
         too. Immediately after that, she realised           Navya, as a practical person, had taken
         that something was amiss and sent a WA             all the necessary post-fraud steps in an
         message to her friend SKM to check the             attempt to recover her hard earned money.
         veracity, who confirmed her worst fears            At the same time, given her spiritual
         that it was not he and that she had been           orientation, she had also kept her faith in
         scammed. Apparently, his mail had been             the cosmos and made the rounds of the
         hacked into a year ago and his best efforts        temples and prayed for divine intervention.
         with the police could not help him with            Her belief was that she had led a straight
         anything tangible.                                 and honest life and hence should not be
          A distraught Navya had reached out to             subject to any fraudulent extractions from
         her friend, a senior functionary at IIB,           her savings. It had happened to her once
         debriefed him with a request to have the           in the past too and had lost significant
         fraudulent account blocked, who in turn            monies to a con man, but she could not do
         promised to have it looked into through his        much about it or recover it. But she was
         banks’ cyber fraud cell , while cautioning         compensated for her loss through some
         that fraudsters normally empty out the             windfall gains in the stock market. It
         account immediately. She also lodged a             vindicated her belief that what goes around
         complaint with her own bank, HDFB, who             comes around. She was quite sure that
         took down her complaint and assured                the con man too would get his just deserts
         to do what is possible. She also rang up           someday soon for having cheated her.
         1930, a cyber-fraud cell set up by GoI, and         Navya had to bear the brunt of the barbs
         after several attempts got through finally         of her two computer science techie sons for
         at noon and reported the details of the            being so gullible and naïve and becoming
         fraudulent transactions. The lady on the           a victim a second time around. She also got
         phone was exceptionally patient and took           a lecture on the mad bad world out there
         down all the details and simultaneously            and was chided for being so trusting when
         logged in the complaint on the portal.             the modern world is anything but that. She
         As she was speaking to her, Navya got a            had no response except to agree sheepishly
         message on her mobile phone confirming             that she would be careful in the future.
         the lodgement of her complaint. That was           Vijay was bewildered, but thankful that
         a super-efficient government system at its         he stays miles away from tech and gizmos.
                                                            It was all simple for him, knowing fully
                                                            well that Navya is there to help him for
                                                            app shopping or app rides or app banking
                                                            or app whatever. Of course, Vijay was
                                                            nevertheless a know-all and had a penchant
                                                            for rubbing Navya the wrong way at the
                                                            most inappropriate moments and getting
                                                            her back up. A great armchair critic in
                                                            Vijay, if ever there was one. C’est la vie!
                                                              Navya continued with her life as usual,
                                                            rueing her gullibility and consequent loss,

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