Page 11 - SeniorsToday October
P. 11

Hara is also called Vijayadashami,                  Instagram : “No Tata bye-byes.”
         meaning victory over these bad qualities.
          The Saptami (the seventh day) of this
         Navaratri, which was the 9th of October,
         was a day of joy and sorrow for me. My
         nephew and his wife saw the stork arriving
         with a baby boy, a source of great joy for
         the family and me too. A few hours later,
         out came the news of Ratan Tata passing to
         the celestial world, a source of great sorrow
         for me, although I have never met him or
         have worked for a Tata company ever and
         have only seen him and heard him speak at
         some business forum or the other.
          Yes, of course, there was a surfeit of
         posts on that day, and thereafter too, from        Humble. Warm. Endearing.
         thousands, if not lakhs, each talking about        Photograph: @ratantata on Instagram
         how their lives had been impacted in one            For as long as I can remember, ever
         way or the other directly or indirectly by         since the age of 18 when I became eligible
         Ratan Tata. When a man of glory passes,            to invest, I have been studying all the
         there will be an outpouring of emotions,           companies in the Tata stable, as I did other
         anecdotes and apocrypha, from many                 business houses, to enable investment
         genuine and a few basking in reflected             decisions. Suffice it to say, many of the Tata
         glory with tenuous connects.  After all,           companies continue to be in the family
         everyone owns in private and feels close           portfolio, not only backed by performance
         to, a public persona who has impacted              and potential, but more driven by a primary
         millions, as did the earlier carriers of           belief that Tata will never let any of its
         the illustrious Tata surname. It’s but a           stakeholders down and will be fair to
         reflection of the deep respect and regard          them. By the way, Tata Steel, where Ratan
         for a business titan, who never was a              Tata had his first shop floor experience
         billionaire personally, but moved billions         as a scion, has been in our portfolio for
         by his sheer actions of social good.               decades. The trust has played out in the
          In this swathe of elegies and paeans              form of regular dividends, bonus shares
         flooding the social media, some posts on           and massive market capitalisation.  Not
         the 10th of October caught my attention.           just Tata Steel, but several others like
         Digest these pithy messages; perhaps               Tata Power, Tata Motors, TCS, Indian
         nothing can capture better the essence of          Hotels, Tata Consumer Products, Tata
         the eponymous persona :                            Digital, etc. Truly, a salt to software group,
          Facebook : “Icons may pass, but live on.”         quietly going abouts its way and delivering
          LinkedIn : “An icon may pass, but lives           results without any fanfare, amid intense
         on. An epitome par excellence, not just for        competition and challenges.  Today, the
         those who knew him, but for the many who           Tata group ranks  amongst the top, in
         knew of him. A timeless Titan.”                    terms of market capitalisation. This has

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