Page 12 - SeniorsToday October
P. 12

been quite substantially, due to the bold           As an employee of a top advertising
         and aggressive steps taken by Ratan Tata           communications company, which had
         during his 20-odd years, between 1991              several Tata companies as its client, one has
         and 2012,  at the helm of the Tata Group           been closely exposed to their impeccable
         (the reins were handed over to him in              respect and regard for a professional point
         1991 by the  equally, if not more venerated        of view, however different from theirs, and
         JRD Tata who passed in 1993) , starting            integrity of dealings. As a co-founder of a
         from the economic liberalisation in early          tech startup, it has been a pleasure and a
         1990s and becoming a global player by              comfort to have a Tata company as a key
         national and international acquisitions,           business partner. As a consumer of their
         notably Corus Steel (which proved to be a          several salt-to-software brands, it has been
         drain, as subsequent events showed)  and           nothing but an experiential joy.  The Tatas
         Jaguar (a remarkable success) and a slew           quite literally assure, bejewel, care, connect,
         of others across frontiers.  His Nano small        deliver, drive , ensure, feed, insure, lodge,
         car project fulfilled his promise of wheels        treat and nearly do everything else to make
         to the poorer and aspirational sections at         our lives better.
         affordable prices. Come to think of it, he          More than their omnipresence,
         sunk in billions to get it up and running,         performance and philosophy, what kept me
         all lead by his heart, only to see it getting      fascinated about the Tata group over the
         closed later for financial prudence’s sake.        decades, was the philanthropic objective of
         His mentorship and investments in select           the Tata Sons, the holding company of the
         startups in his sunset years are noteworthy        group, in which  the Tata Trusts own a near
         for their support of entrepreneurship,             80 per cent.   The trusts plough back almost
         much needed for our country.                       all their profits and wealth into the society
                                                            for social upliftment, healthcare, education,
                                                            cancer treatment, geriatric care, farming
                                                            and irrigation, food and water, sanitation
                                                            and anything else that one can think of.
                                                            Several of the NGOs, with whom I have
                                                            been involved closely over the years have
                                                            had and continue to have the Tata Trusts
                                                            as their loyal donors for worthy causes.
                                                            The other day, I read a lovely and generous
                                                            tribute by the founder of one of these NGOs,
                                                            of how he was encouraged and enthused
                                                            by Ratan Tata, when he was beginning his
                                                            ride in the social space as a fledgling 21.
                                                            Volumes can be written about the Tata’s
                                                            empathetic and sensitive investment in
                                                            public good and it would be impossible to
                                                            put a value to it. Suffice it to say, it will be
                                                            Aganita or Ananta or infinite. In my simple

         With Indica. Photograph: @ratantata on Instagram   lexicon, anyone who does any good, big

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