Page 13 - SeniorsToday October
P. 13

or small without Apeksha, will be blessed          Group briefly for four years from 2012,
         with Dhanabhandam or coffer, several               the defamation case filed by  Nusli Wadia
         times over, setting in motion an unending          on being ejected from the Tata Sons board
         chain of charity. It is not just about the care    due to his support to Cyrus Mistry, the
         for humans, but for the mute as well. One          Nina Radia tapes imbroglio in connection
         of the last acts of kindness of Ratan Tata         with the telecom policy and scam involving
         was the setting up of a charitable veterinary      A Raja, the then telecom minister. A few
         hospital for animals in Mumbai. He was             others may have something unsavoury to
         repaying the kindness and friendship of the        say, but it is best dismissed as sour grapes.
         four-legged (he liked dogs  and had a few of       A  canny and mature public dissects,
         them). If the animals could speak like they        filters and remembers the larger good of a
         did in Jataka Tales, probably one of them          person rather than the smaller chinks in an
         would have written this eulogy, rather than        otherwise rock- solid armour of Ratan Tata.
         me. You just have to see the heartwarming          In any case, these controversies had either
         video of one of his desolate pets looking          been satisfactorily closed or settled.
         haplessly at his repose body.

                                                            A Throwback photo from his LA days.
                                                            Photograph: @ratantata on Instagram

                                                             One may wonder at the relevance of my
                                                            reference to Navaratri and Dasha Hara in
                                                            an article dedicated to Ratan Tata. Quite
                                                            simply, in my eyes, Ratan Tata scores a
                                                            remarkable 8 out of 10, in not having at
                                                            least eight of the 10 negative traits, going
        With his Bombay House dogs. (Goa – on the right– passed
        away 3 days after his master)                       by his known acts and demeanour in public
        Photograph: @ratantata on Instagram
                                                            domain. Probably any semblance of the
          For sure, like any other mortal, Ratan            balance two traits may be so miniscule that
         Tata had had his share of controversies            Ma Durga may well overlook them and
         like the West Bengal Singur plant ( for the        take him in her arms. There can be no one
         small car Nano project ) walk out, Tata Tea        more deserving of this celestial embrace
         ULFA run-in with the Assam government,             than Ratan Tata, the mark of a man
         unsavoury fall out with Cyrus Mistry               extraordinaire. No paeans to this Parsi can
         (now deceased) who helmed the Tata                 be plenty.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #64 | OCTOBER 2024                                                            13
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