Page 16 - SeniorsToday October
P. 16
their flights due to staff shortages. Yet, In conclusion, my advice is simple:
Lufthansa personnel continue to shirk avoid Lufthansa at all costs unless the
responsibility, insisting it is not their airline significantly improves its services.
fault. But the fact remains that when It is well-known within Lufthansa
passengers pay Lufthansa, they expect the that passengers routinely miss their
airline to ensure their journey is smooth flights due to the unavailability of
and hassle-free. Lufthansa cannot simply service providers, and yet the airline’s
wash its hands of the issue because indifference to this ongoing issue is
they’ve outsourced these services. The deeply troubling. This disregard for older
complacency of the staff is alarming—it is passengers and the inconvenience caused
almost accepted as a norm that passengers to their families waiting at the other end of
will miss their connections, and no one at the journey is unacceptable.
Lufthansa seems to care.