Page 22 - SeniorsToday October
P. 22

Social Isolation or Loneliness?                    positive social relationships are lost. Each
         Social isolation is not quite the same as          of these missed opportunities provide
         loneliness. Social isolation describes             further evidence for what the person
         an objective situation in which social             experiences as the hopelessness of ever
         connections are limited or absent. It is           arriving at a positive social exchange. It
         about… there being friends, or just one            has the potential of creating the deepest of
         special person, who is around when                 grooves, the walls of which ultimately defy
         needed. Loneliness, by contrast, is a              scaling.
         subjective feeling of distress - when               The second aspect is perhaps even more
         an individual feels the potential for              pernicious, but harder to explain. The
         connections available to them are                  social nature of our beings has made
         inadequate or unfulfilling. Loneliness             humans unique amongst species in
         is about feeling that one lacks                    efficiently passing knowledge from one
         companionship, or feeling left out, feeling        generation to the next, enabling us to
         isolated from others, feeling alone, or            accumulate a store of knowledge called
         feeling we are missing out. While isolation        culture. Each generation can learn from
         and loneliness often co-occur, importantly,        the last. Humans need to be able to learn
         they can be experienced independently off          and benefit from their social context if
         one another (Matthews et al., 2016).               they are to thrive (Wilson et al., 2014). But
                                                            in a social network as complex as ours,
         Cognitive Changes:                                 vigilance is advisable (Sperber et al., 2010).
         Cognitive changes are equally important.           We need to be able to work out quickly
         Lonely individuals are more likely to lack         who to trust so they can help us learn the
         trust, to look at those around them with           ropes. How does this happen? To protect
         suspicion, to see people more negatively,          the naive learner from acquiring inaccurate
         to be less hopeful about the outcomes of           information, evolution has equipped us
         social interactions, and to prioritise self-       with a gating mechanism, a capacity to
         protection by being defensive or even              open our minds to learning only when
         hostile upon entering a social encounter.          learning new knowledge is safe. This is
         These strategies may be understandable             called epistemic trust.
         as ways of minimising potential risks from          Epistemic trust means a person’s ability
         social interactions, but they bring with           to trust appropriately in social sources
         them two major life-limiting consequences.         of new knowledge (Fonagy, Luyten,
                                                            & Allison, 2015). There is a need for
         Two Major Life-Limiting Consequences:              vigilance to ensure that we are only open
         First, obviously these strategies are likely       to learning when the source of knowledge
         to ensure that nothing changes, that               is trustworthy. Humans - in order to
         positive social relationships continue             learn about the world, about themselves
         to evade them. There is a self-fulfilling          and about what they need to know - need
         quality in this anxious and pessimistic            to trust the knowledge which is being
         stance towards social relationships.               communicated to them. It is a person’s
         Loneliness becomes the cause of further            openness to the social context that enables
         isolation, as opportunities to develop             change and adaptation to circumstance,

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