Page 21 - SeniorsToday October
P. 21

Mind Matters

         Loneliness: A Struggle That

         Needs To Be Overcome

         Dr Monika Dass writes — Loneliness can take as much toll on mental and
         physical health as smoking and lack of exercise, say psychologists!

         “Loneliness is a 365 day a year problem;           relationships. Loneliness is particularly
         it just does not happen at random. The             common at this stage of life.
         evidence is very clear; loneliness is a             But what is it about loneliness that hurts,
         massive risk factor in people developing           and even kills? What is it that makes it
         both mental and physical health problems           so dangerous to our physical and mental
         and should be treated as a public health           health?
         emergency. Loneliness is a scourge on our           Our species evolved for social living,
         society…” - Dr Roman Raczka, President-            which needs larger brains to develop after
         Elect of the BPS.                                  passing through the birth canal - which,
          Research indicates that about 10% of              in turn, means that we are brought into
         the population feel lonely at any one time         this world quite helpless and relatively
         while it is accepted that older people are         immature. As infants, we are all dependent
         at high risk of social isolation, loneliness       on care for longer than any other primate.
         and, thus, poor mental and physical health,        Birth itself is painful and dangerous. It
         there is now more recognition of the impact        all adds up to the need for help from kin.
         of loneliness on children and young people         Therefore, the feeling of loneliness may be
         too. Young people, from adolescence to             a helpful and adaptive response to being
         early adulthood, attach particularly high          socially disconnected and it provides us
         value to close friendships and romantic            with a drive to re-join with social groups.

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #64 | OCTOBER 2024                                                            21
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