Page 23 - SeniorsToday October
P. 23
namely to learn. Human communities, simultaneously feel increasingly lonely.
families, schools, workplaces need to create And even though we may use technology
an environment that ensures the openness to feel more connected, it may be exactly
that epistemic trust affords. Of course, what’s leading us to feel lonely.
the experience of adversity is bound
to undermine epistemic trust and may Does Anyone Care About Me?
even be a helpful adaptation to a hostile A paper by Edward Lemay, Jennifer
environment (Fonagy et al., 2021). Cutri, and Nadya Teneva published in
the Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology in 2024 suggests an important
way that loneliness can become a chronic
condition. As you might expect, people
feel lonely when they believe that other
people are not supporting them and also
when they believe that other people do
not really like them or think that they are
good people. These authors suggest that
feelings of loneliness decrease people’s
Unfavourable Outcomes Associated with sense that they are being cared for and
Loneliness: whether other people have a good opinion
A number of unfavorable outcomes have of them. That feeling of a lack of care and
been linked to loneliness. In addition to regard by others then amplifies the feeling
its association with depressive symptoms of loneliness in a vicious cycle.
and other forms of mental illness, To amplify this further, when we feel
loneliness is a risk factor for heart disease, loneliness for long enough, we start to
Type 2 diabetes, and arthritis, among believe no one wants to be with us. We
other diseases. Lonely people are also start to believe we will always be alone.
twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s The loneliness grows into hopelessness.
disease, research suggests. The state of It is time to reevaluate the situation. You
chronic loneliness may trigger adverse need to redefine your old concepts and
physiological responses such as the stop assuming that being alone is the
increased production of stress hormones, same as being lonely.
hinder sleep, and result in weakened
While a person cannot die simply from
feeling too lonely, findings that lonely
people have higher rates of mortality and
certain diseases supports the idea that,
over time, chronic loneliness can play a
role in increasing the risk of dying.
The great irony is that as we become
increasingly “connected”- on social
media, video calling, and messaging - we