Page 26 - SeniorsToday October
P. 26
to combat loneliness. there is no need to be a bully to yourself,
• Tend to your network. Sometimes we feel guilty, or put yourself down. That
can end up feeling alone even though we kind of attitude won’t help you decrease
are connected to lots of people. It can be loneliness, now or in the future. Instead,
helpful to reach out to these people and try talking to yourself in a way that is
schedule times to catch up. supportive, kind, and caring - and you will
• Join an online group of like-minded be more likely to acknowledge mistakes
people. You can now find people online you may have made in trying to decrease
with just about any interest - for example, loneliness, and hopefully do better next
politics, cooking, or sports. Joining one of time.
these mission-oriented groups can be a There are so many other aspects of your
way to feel more connected to others, even life that are meaningful and fulfilling.
when you do not have access to face-to-face Your art. Your career, if you are still
interactions. working. Exercising your voice and the
• Volunteer remotely or in real life. dent you are going to make in this world.
Volunteer for a cause, either remotely or Your friendships. Your family. Your
in your town. Just be sure you are working passions and hobbies. Your curiosity leads
with others. Working on an important you to explore, learn, grow, and expand.
problem with others can help you decrease When you actually build your own life,
loneliness. a life that is honest to you and stands on
Lastly, its own, the fear of being alone starts to
• Be nice to yourself. It is important to fade. Remember, “The greatest thing in the
practice self-compassion when you fail world is to know how to belong to oneself!”
at things. Remember, everyone fails, and Thank you!