Page 11 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 11

I supported (as much as I could) our lead         The Copter Wait - We waited a whole day
         doctor Smita Kale assigned to our group,           on Aug 29 for a helicopter. Heavy cloud
         in taking a checklist of symptoms of acute         cover ensured there was no chance of
         mountain sickness (AMS), checking oxygen           getting one. It’s quite an experience to get
         saturations and blood pressures of all             up at 4.45 am, get ready for the day, be at
         group members twice daily. Everyone was            a guru pooja by 6 am, then have breakfast
         strictly advised to continue their Diamox          at 7 a.m. and then just wait - and wait the
         since we had reached a higher altitude             whole day for a helicopter! I never looked
         now. Smita was strict and that’s important         for so long at the skies before in my life,
         on such a pilgrimage. Having advised               hoping for a machine made of steel to
         many patients before they ascend to high           appear out of the clouds and take me to the
         altitude on leisure and pilgrimages, I was         next destination in my pilgrimage.
         now experiencing first-hand, and learning
         on the go. In a few patients who were              Day 6
         borderline hypertensive at their original          Finally, on Aug 30, the clouds started
         locations near sea level, we noticed that          clearing in Hepka and the helicopters
         their blood pressures did cross threshold          started arriving to a large cheer from our
         levels to need antihypertensive medication         group, and the group ahead of us, many
         during the trip. Just one on the team              of whom had not yet moved to their next
         had AMS, and severe enough to require              destination either - Dakchi. The helicopters
         steroids - she did well and continued the          were coming from Simikot to pick us up in
         pilgrimage on steroids. Isha is very strict        groups of five from Hepka and take us to
         on the medical, and any member of the              Dakchi. Interestingly, when we finished
         group who shows signs of bad AMS is                our pilgrimage, we were informed that
         usually observed very carefully, and not           Hepka was taken off the itinerary for future
         allowed to proceed higher up until they            batches because of its persistent cloud
         are significantly better and on appropriate        covers and inability of helicopters to land
         medication.                                        safely.
                                                             Dakchi is now at 14,000 feet, so it’s a
         Day 5                                              significant elevation beyond the 12,000 feet
                                                            we were at at Hepka. Dakchi is also nestled

         Dr Sujeet Rajan                                    Roshan Jeswani
         Waiting for the helicpoter                         Dakchi campsite

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