Page 16 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 16


         You No Like,

         You No See!

                                                                                          Courtesy: PAPER magazine

         Are we hypocrites as a nation to call Ranveer Singh out on some perfect-
         ly aesthetic nude photos, asks Vickram Sethi

         A lady calls the police station and says           some of these sections are so vague and so
         there’s a nude man in the opposite building        vast that any word, gesture or act can insult
         and it’s causing her a lot of “mental              the modesty of a woman. The law needs to
         disturbances”. The police officer comes            clearly define what construes the modesty
         to her house and she takes him into the            or immodesty of a woman.
         kitchen and says stand on this stool and            I spoke to 10 young girls, the oldest being
         now look through the telescope on the              50, who did not find the photographs
         third building. Such is the gist of Vedika         offensive. The general response was that
         Chaubey’s letter to the Chembur police             he has a good-looking body and what is
         station complaining about the nude                 wrong if he has posted such pictures. And
         photograph of the actor Ranveer Singh. She         yet one of the girls added that if men can
         also goes on to say that she was amused to         enjoy titillation by looking at women’s
         see his nude photographs on his personal           photographs, why can’t women enjoy male
         Instagram and Twitter account. According           nudity. What is sauce for the goose is also
         to her, this was a method of earning               sauce for the gander. The male genitalia
         money by damaging the culture and                  is not among god’s beautiful creations.
         traditions of India. Yet another complaint         Irrespective of its importance in evolution.
         filed by Ashish Rai, an advocate, to the           Today, anybody can file a complaint about
         Maharashtra State Commission of Women              anything. In 1954, the late Akbar Padamsee
         states: “Ranveer Singh’s picture offends the       was arrested for a nude painting where a
         dignity of women and small children.” And          man was holding on to a woman’s breast.

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