Page 14 - Seniorstoday September 2022 Issue
P. 14

didn’t need to see this mountain to feel its      than life - I suddenly felt how small
         presence - you just had to be there, and          and insignificant I was, and how the
         the moment was everything. Suddenly,              vast knowledge of this universe was
         there was nothing I had, and at the same          manifesting if I chose to access it. That is
         time I felt I had everything - it was just        Kailash in its true perspective, I believe,
         indescribable. No photograph (though              and what I experienced. There is no need
         we did take some), or video can describe          to differentiate between what is sacred
         what you experience there - you have to           and not sacred, and no need to pray. The
         experience it.                                    Creator is far larger than all this nonsense
          Sadhguru, though not physically with us,         - and He certainly isn’t going to take
         seemed to be there with us nevertheless - I       instructions from you! We haven’t even
         recollected the story on Adiyogi when the         understood what the atom is all about,
         seven saptarishis asked him what they             and we are going to give instructions and
         should do if they fell into trouble while         requests to him? Just be with him, wherever
         traveling across the world to impart the          you are.
         knowledge they had learnt from him - he
         just said, “I will sleep” - what he meant         Day 10 and Day 11
         was that he would always be there, all            On Sep 3, we got a helicopter back to
         encompassing. You can’t pray to Kailash,          Simikot, danced wildly and joyfully to Isha
         you don’t ask for anything, you just be with      songs (without any alcohol) and the next
         Kailash - and that is all it takes. We had
         an initiation pooja while at Lapcha in the
         presence of Kailash.
          I was in a bit of trance on the way back -
         if you can take a little bit of Kailash away
         with you, I think you are transformed
         significantly. It’s an overwhelming
         experience. Though mountains have
         always fascinated me since childhood, this
         was a different mountain - it’s almost as if
         it spoke and poured out knowledge in front
         of you. Just being with it was all that was        Dr Sujeet Rajan
         needed, even if it was for a little over an        Dancing in joy
         hour.                                              day a flight on to Nepalganj, and the same
                                                            afternoon an ATR back to Kathmandu.
         Day 8 and Day 9                                    Mobile phones started to buzz again - it
         Though I spent the next two nights at              didn’t feel great to be honest, but happy
         Dakchi (without helicopters to get us              to be able to connect with family and
         back to Simikot), there was a different            friends again. There is something about a
         energy that stayed with me those nights            prolonged silence that makes your mind
         - it didn’t matter whether I was stuck             more receptive to things not physical. You
         here or anywhere for that matter - I had           have to leave everything you have behind,
         experienced something much larger                  your family, your possessions, and all

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