Page 14 - Seniorstoday Sep 2024 Issue
P. 14
with our family and friends or simply ourselves of material possessions or living
enjoying the evening by ourselves. a boring and uneventful life. It is about
consciously choosing to live with intention,
purpose, and gratitude. It is about finding
joy and contentment in the little things,
and freeing ourselves from the constant
pursuit of more. Sometimes the difference
between needs, greed and aspirations
becomes a foggy line. It is coming to terms
with yourself as to what your needs are. So,
let us all embrace the beauty and simplicity
One of the most significant benefits of a life well-lived.
of living a simple life is the sense of Kabir’s couplet summarises my point of
freedom it brings. By letting go of view succinctly:
unnecessary possessions and distractions, “साईं इतना दीजिए, जामे कुटुम समाय।
we free ourselves from the burden of मैं भी भूखा न रहूं, साधु न भूखा जाय।”
constantly trying to keep up with societal Kabir prays to God, asking for just
expectations. We also free up our time enough wealth to take care of his family
and energy to focus on what truly matters, and household, while also having enough
whether it is pursuing a passion, spending to give to those in need, such as saints or
time with loved ones, or simply taking care travellers. He emphasises the need for
of ourselves. balance — neither greed, nor deprivation,
Living a simple life is not about depriving but sufficiency, and generosity.