Page 34 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 34

to Jaipur gayaki, was to fill the void of drut
                                                            bandishes and taranas in many Raagas.
                                                            Maai composed scores of these. Some she
                                                            never sang in public herself, but taught
                                                            them to her disciples. I realise that I am
                                                            only scratching the surface of what Maai’s
                                                            musical genius was. There are many senior
                                                            personalities who can talk about it far more
                                                            authoritatively than I can. On September
                                                            4, 2004 a full programme on the subject
                                                            of Maai’s musical genius was presented by
                                                            Smt Kishori Amonkar and her colleagues in
                                                            Mumbai, in great depth. I will therefore not
                                                            venture into this subject any more here.

                                                            Temple project
                                                            I am reminded of a project that was dear
                                                            to Maai’s heart that we, her younger
         Mogubai Kurdikar - later years                     well-wishers and devotees participated
         short vowels and lengthening the long ones,        in completing. Maai was a devotee of the
         etc. (4) the grace and forces (“balas”) in         original Rawalnath temple at Kurdi in
         singing gamak taans, particularly, the way         Goa. Under some Government project
         the force behind each note arises from the         to build a dam, this temple was doomed
         lower note. (5) The symmetrical architecture       to go under water, so the Government
         of each alaap or taan that gracefully leads        offered a paltry compensation to her. The
         to the mukhda every single time. (6)               project was to construct a new temple
         Exceptionally high breath-capacity and             at Walkinim. I helped in my own small
         control (“damsaas”) that lends the requisite       way, organising a music conference at
         support to long, uninterrupted taans. (7)          Rang Bhavan in Mumbai as a fund-raiser,
         Complete mastery over the taal and laya that       collecting advertisements from a large
         she sang her bandishes to. She could sing          number of my business associates, etc. I
         with equal mastery bandishes in difficult          even made several trips to Goa to discuss the
         taals like Ada Chautaal, Jhoomra, Tilwada,         construction plans, contracts and supervise
         Yog-Taal, and Pancham Sawari, etc.,                the progress. But it was a collective effort
         including off-beat bol-taans, with uncanny         of all, and Kishoritai assumed the lion’s
         ease. Her mastery over the intricate weaving       share in it while all of us assisted her.
         of words, notes and rhythm (laykaari) has          When the temple was completed, we had
         remained her hallmark, and in this skill,          the inaugural ceremony at which Maai and
         she has stood head and shoulders above             all her clan assembled. After the Pooja,
         most other musicians. Per the general              and other religious ceremonies, per usual
         tradition of Jaipur gayaki, she never sang         custom, all disciples sang short pieces in the
         any bandish in very slow (“ati-vilambit”)          service of Lord Rawalnath. I sang Savani
         pace. One special contribution Maai made           Kalyan, one of Maai’s favorite Raagas. To

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