Page 43 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 43

Signs you are low on B12:                          progress, you may experience changes in
         Pale skin – Your body requires B12 to              your coordination, balance and movement.
         produce red blood cells. Without B12 red           Shortness of Breath – This occurs when the
         blood cells become fragile – they cannot           body is unable to transport enough oxygen
         leave the bone marrow where they are               to all its cells.
         produced to circulate the blood. This lack of      Smooth tongue – Glossitis, the
         red blood cells make the skin to appear pale.      inflammation of the tongue, can cause it
         Feeling weak and fatigued – When your              to change colour, feel painful and swell,
         body can’t produce enough healthy blood            stretching out your taste buds and making
         cells to carry oxygen around your body, you        them feel smooth. This can be an early
         feel weak and fatigued.                            symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency.
         Pins-and-needles sensation – Myelin is a           Change in vision – If vitamin B12 deficiency
         fatty substance that surrounds your nerves,        causes damage to the optic nerve, it may
         protecting and insulating them. Vitamin B12        result in blurry or impaired vision. This is
         is essential for its production, so without        known as optic neuropathy.
         it the nerves and nervous system struggle          Depression – Low levels of vitamin
         to function properly. This may result in the       B12 have been linked to mood changes,
         feeling of pins and needles – though it is         including depression and a decline in
         rarely associated with B12 deficiency alone.       brain function. Fortunately, the use of
         Decline in balance and mobility – If               supplements may help reverse damage in
         damage to the nervous system is allowed to         some patients.

          Vitamin B12 is essential for brain, nerves and production of red blood cells

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