Page 41 - Seniors Today -April20
P. 41
Do small workouts at home
Over time this results in physical, emotional
and cognitive deterioration. To prevent this,
they require to increase the time that they
move around and make sure that they do
small workouts at home. For example, they
can stand up and march on the spot when
the TV is on a commercial break. When the It’s never too late to get active, whether indoors or outdoors
isolation or quarantine period are over they Or perhaps one assumes that exercising
should go outside or somewhere in an open simply isn’t for you. But as you grow older,
space and do physical activities. While you an active lifestyle becomes more important
should avoid crowds, even then, walking is than ever to your health. Getting active is
recommended. not just about adding years to your life,
it’s about adding life to your years. People
Increase happy hormones who regularly exercise are cognitively and
Staying active will keep the community but emotionally more resilient. Life asks us to
more so this age group both mentally and move, to push and pull. One should do it at
physically healthy. Exercise can help reduce all stages of life.
elevated cortisol levels, as well as trigger the
release of endorphins, boosting your overall Walking
mood and happiness. If you are feeling well Walking is one of the best exercises, given
enough and don’t have active symptoms, the circumstances. Just walking in the
doing a prescribed workout at home to avoid corridor, or up and down the steps or in the
physical contact with others is the best. balcony or the terrace or from one room to
However, walking up a few flights of stairs is the next or in front of the TV is good enough.
sufficient. Ten steps up and down in one set, It should be done with intention, recorded
with two sets a day, is enough. mentally or in a note, and it should be
There are many reasons why we tend to relatively brisk.
slow down and become more sedentary with No matter what your age or physical
age. It may be due to health problems, weight condition, it’s never too late to get your body
or pain issues, or worries about falling. moving, boost your health and outlook, and
improve how you age. Start slow and build
up steadily. If you haven’t been active in a
while, build up little by little. Try spacing
workouts in ten-minute increments twice a
Physical and social distancing does not
mean that people have to be immobile. On
the contrary exercise should become an
even more essential part of staying fit and
psychologically alert. We feel mentally better
Regular exercise can help combat cognitive deterioration when we are physically active.
in the elderly Be active for mental fitness!