Page 13 - SeniorsToday May20
P. 13

Sanitising your hands before and after work, as well as   Your favourite street food beckons… but ensure the ven-
         during if necessary, should be a routine           dor and you follow hygiene practices
          Have sanitisers at every workstation or           appropriate distance from other customers.
         carry your own. Make sure that there is at         Make sure that they use mineral/bottled
         least 2m distance between two work desks.          water and packaged goods only. Ask them
         If someone is unwell, politely ask her/him to      to keep all other food items covered when
         leave, even if it seems to be ‘just a cold’. Wear   not in use. Kindly request them to put your
         your masks and gloves at all times. Refrain        order on the counter instead of handing it to
         from shaking hands, stick to the traditional       you.
         namaste to greet one another. Only have the
         lift operator press your floor button for you.     Movie halls, Malls, Clubs, Restaurants:
         If you do not have a lift operator, carry a box    It would not be sensible to avail of non-
         of toothpicks or wooden sticks that you can        essential services at the moment. Avoid
         use to press the button and dispose of the         going to crowded public spaces and eating
         stick immediately into a covered bin. That is      too much from outside right away.
         one alternative, another option that you have      The elderly are more vulnerable and need
         is: take the stairs. While taking the stairs, do   to be more cautious of their surroundings.
         not touch the railing or lean onto the wall for    Keep your homes clean and tidy. Eat better.
         support.                                           Exercise regularly and avoid physical
          The only economically feasible and reliable       contact with people who do not live with
         test that you can perform is temperature           you, regardless of how well you know them.
         testing. All workplaces should have infrared       Amidst this pandemic, let’s not disregard
         thermometers. A reading of more than               our other medical needs. Stay in touch
         100.4°F (38°C) should be an indicator for the      with your general physician and get your
         employee to isolate themselves for 14 days         prescriptions refilled a little before you
         before coming back to work.                        might run out of them.

         Chaiwallah, cigarette vendor next
         to your office/ Roadside bhel or
         chaatwallah: wearing a mask when in a
         public place has been made compulsory
         by the government. When going out
         for some street food, ensure that your
         vendor is wearing a glove and mask while            It’s probably safest to stay away from non-essential activ-
         handling goods. Stand in a line, maintaining       ities like movies, which take you to crowded spaces

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #11 | MAY 2020                                                                13
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