Page 21 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 21

Calcium supplements
         Calcium needs are generally best met
         through diet. However, calcium supplements
         may be required by those who do not obtain
         adequate calcium from food products to
         meet the 1,000-1,300mg per day required
         for girls and women.
          Most calcium supplements in Australia
         contain:                                           The body’s main source of vitamin D comes from sunlight,
          calcium carbonate (sold as caltrate) or           which reacts with the skin and produces the vitamin
          calcium citrate (sold as citracal)                Vitamin D
                                                            Vitamin D has many important roles in
         Calcium carbonate                                  the body including helping with calcium
         Caltrate requires an acidic environment for        absorption, cell growth and maintaining a
         maximum absorption and should be taken             healthy immune system to fight disease and
         with meals.                                        illness. Find out about these important roles
                                                            as well as vitamin D deficiency, how to test
         Calcium citrate                                    for vitamin D deficiency and where to get
         Calcium citrate does not require an acidic         vitamin D.
         environment and therefore can be taken on
         an empty stomach (but is better taken with         The importance of vitamin D
         food). It is the preferred calcium product          Vitamin D is essential for bone health. It
         for people who need to take anti-reflux            helps increase the absorption of calcium
         medications.                                       from the stomach, regulates the amount of
                                                            calcium in the blood and strengthens the
         When to take calcium supplements                   skeleton.
         It is best to take calcium supplements              The main source of vitamin D is production
         at night, as this is when bone ‘turnover’          in the skin after exposure to sunlight. Small
         increases.                                         amounts of vitamin D are available in some
          High dose calcium supplements may be              foods. For vitamin D to work effectively it
         linked with heart disease. Beneficial effects      needs to be activated by the liver and kidney,
         of calcium are found with relatively low           which then turns it into a hormone.
         doses (500-600mg). Elderly individuals and          Vitamin D has many roles within the
         others with impaired kidney function may           body. The most understood role is its
         be at higher risk of cardiovascular disease.       ability to help the body absorb calcium and
                                                            phosphorus and vitamin D also assists with
                                                            bone development and strength, cell growth,
                                                            maintaining a healthy immune system,
                                                            hormone function, and nervous system
                                                             Apart from its important role in
                                                            maintaining bone health, vitamin D may
         Calcium supplements may be required by those who do
         not obtain adequate calcium from food products     also have an important role in other diseases

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