Page 18 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 18
Other medications
Other medications used to treat osteoporosis include:
Strontium Ranelate Moderate & severe Taken daily as Should not be used in
osteoporosis. granules mixed those at significant risk
with water. of cardiovascular events,
unless otherwise advised
by their doctor.
Parathyroid Patients with severe A daily injection There may be an
hormone (PTH) - osteoporosis who for 18 to 24 increased risk of bone
Teriparatide have already been on months. cancer with long-term
other osteoporosis use.
Denosumab Severe osteoporosis. An injection There may be a slightly
given twice a increased risk of skin
year. infections.
For information on any medications to treat
osteoporosis you should see your doctor.
The importance of calcium
Calcium is one of the essential nutrients
necessary for healthy bone development.
Bones contain most of our body’s calcium, so
they act as the body’s ‘reservoir’ of calcium.
Calcium is critical for the function of cells
in the body and a certain amount of calcium
circulates within the blood, with the body
maintaining the levels of calcium within a
very tight range. Our bodies cannot make
calcium, and if blood calcium levels fall, the While dairy products are a good source of calcium, your
body will compensate for this by drawing daily calcium requirements need not necessarily come
calcium out of bones and putting it into the from these
blood. Calcium is also excreted by the body Recommended daily calcium intake
daily. There are critical times in life when it is
This means it is important to have an vital to ensure that calcium intake through
adequate daily intake of calcium through food and/or supplements is adequate and
your diet, so your bone mineral strength is meets the recommended requirements. The
not compromised. following table lists these requirements: