Page 23 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 23

Where to get vitamin D

                     WHAT YOU NEED                              WHAT TO BE CAREFUL OF

          Usually 10-15 min exposure to outdoor sun  Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight,
          per day is necessary for the production of     particularly in summer because of the risk of
          adequate vitamin D.                            skin damage and skin cancers
          As a general guide expose face, arms, hands
          or legs for:                                   Don’t use solariums as a substitute for
          10 minutes in summer                           sunlight because the UV radiation in
          5-20 minutes in spring and autumn              solariums:
          30 minutes in winter                           doesn’t help to produce vitamin D
          Check the map of Australia for guidelines      will not help with vitamin D deficiency
          on the recommended amount of sun               increases your risk of skin cancer
          exposure based on your location, the season
          and your skin pigmentation.
          You can get daily updates on the UV index

          Dietary sources of vitamin D are limited       It is very hard to get adequate amounts of
          and can come from:                             vitamin D from these sources alone.
          plants (vitamin D2) such as mushrooms
          – shitake and button mushrooms are
          good options animal sources (vitamin D3)
          such as liver, fish (tuna, salmon, sardines,
          herring and mackerel) and egg yolk – one
          egg can supply 10% of your daily intake
          fortified foods (boosted) with vitamin D
          such as milk, soy drinks, margarine, breads
          and cereals

          For the elderly who are in care, taking        Get your doctor’s advice about whether to take
          additional vitamin D supplements and           a vitamin D supplement after you have been
          calcium supplements may reduce the             tested.
          incidence of fracture[1].

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