Page 36 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 36
Centre Stage
This look at the history of the
Indochine rivalry leading to the 1962
aggression, written by Sati Sahni
in 1986, throws light on our current
tension with China
can anyone explain the repeated shifting of
goalposts by the Dragon? Numerous border
settlement meetings between the two have
taken place prior to the Chinese aggression
of 1962 but every time the Chinese side
threw up a new map, argument and
reference point. This has actually pointed
out that the Chinese side have decided that
the differences will always be kept on the
boil so as to keep India unsettled. It seems
The author at Leh landing strip on the occasion of the that the Chinese strategy is three-pronged -
first civilian aircraft landing. Notice the signboard
1) to force India to divert resources towards
The outbreak of hostilities of 1962 by China defence rather than shoring up economy
along the vast border between India and so that India cannot match up to China. 2)
China was an important milestone in the Domination on the Afro-Asian and world
long unacknowledged competition of the stage. 3) Chipping away on India’s legitimate
two of the oldest civilizations in Asia for borders in mineral rich Sinkiang and Aksai
dominance. It is by no means over as the Chin and gain a foot hold in the Arabian Sea
aggression has opened up more issues than by way of Pakistan as a dependant state.
it could conclude. Perhaps it is by design that Very few (including the Indian government)
China intends to keep the border issue alive could have ever imagined the intense desire
so as to keep India “occupied” otherwise how of China to possess Aksai Chin, an area