Page 37 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 37

in Nehru’s words”world’s bleakest, a land          hinderance from the sleeping Indian side.
         where no people live and no blade of grass         One might ask how the road was constructed
         grows”. The answer lays in the long term           through Indian territory without the Indian
         economic and political interests of both           government getting to know and the answer
         China and India – albeit with different            lies in the fact that there was minimal work
         perceptions.                                       required to make the makeshift road (being
                                                            a plateau and all it was required was to just
                                                            clear a pathway) and that the restrictions
                                                            put by the Chinese on the Indian mission in
                                                            Lhasa completely stopped the traditional
                                                            trade route thus ensuring no traffic along the

         A Yarkandi trader in Leh
          For China it was strategic and economic
         as it was the only viable and safe route to
         both Sinkiang (North of Karakorum pass)
         and to Tibet (Lhasa). Sinkiang has known
         deposits of gold and other precious minerals,
         and politically it was the meeting ground
         of three powers - Russia, China and India.
         The Chinese wanted a buffer between the
         Russian and Indian border. One just needs          The Last king of Ladakh
         to look at the map to understand this – to         Brief history of region of Ladakh
         the North is Mongolia and to the South the         One of the first recorded treaties which has
         tall Himalayas with Nepal, Bhutan and              been cited is the Ladakhi–Tibetan Treaty
         Sikkim acting as buffer. It was only on the        of 1684 does touch on the areas which fell
         East where there was hardly a cushion. Of          in each others’ territory, was conveniently
         course it is also a fact that access to Tibet is   ignored by the Chinese Communist regime
         best from South and West of Tibet – they had       saying that Tibet was under the suzerainty
         to have Aksai Chin and Sinkiang under their        of Imperial China who did not recognize any
         control. Incidentally it was the Southern          such third party treaty. It is recorded that the
         route which the Chinese communists took in         Ladakhi Kings of the time used to send gifts
         1950 to reach Tibet. In 1956-57 the Chinese        to The Dalai Lama as he was the temporal
         built a road through Aksai Chin without any        and religious head of the largely Buddhist

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #12 | JUNE 2020 The young and the helpless – is this India’s future           37
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