Page 38 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 38

world – the Chinese interpret this as if these     would lose control of a very major area and
         were symbols of political subordination            more importantly lose face in rest of India.
         to Tibet. Sometime in 1717 a Mongol force          They wanted Zorawar Singh to return to
         marched into Tibet from the little-used            Ladakh and stay put. Unfortunately, the
         North route and took it. In 1718–19 AD the         Tibetans retook control of Taklakot and in
         Ch’ing Emperor who was not prepared to             that Zorawar Singh paid with his life. Later
         concede Tibet, decided to march in 1720            attempts were made to keep Ladakh under
         and took control of Tibet. This is the event       self-rule with the British and the Sikhs,
         that the Chinese use to cite their “conquest”      but the Tibetan army having tasted success
         of Tibet. This event is the first documented       wanted to take Ladakh. A major battle
         direct connection between Ladakh and               between them and the Dogra reinforcements
         China as there was a Ladakhi delegation            was fought in Chusul (near the Pangong
         which reached Peking to talk about the             Lake) in1842. The Tibetans lost very badly
         future against the Dsungsar Mongols. Talks         and retreated. Thus leaving the Dogras (now
         were held on both economic and political           under Dogra King Gulab Singh in Jammu) as
         levels. It has been also established that          the supreme authority in Ladakh. A treaty
         Ladakh was treated as an independent entity        (between the Dogras, Tibet and the Ladakhi
         by the Chinese.                                    kings) was signed on 17 September, 1842
          It was during the early 1820–30s the British      where it was decided that the Dogras were
         started taking an interest but decided that it     the rulers of Ladakh (through the Ladakhi
         would serve them best to let Maharaja Ranjit       kings) and the Tibetans would keep control
         Singh, who was the all-powerful ruler of           of their area ( Tibet). The treaty specified that
         Punjab and Kashmir, take control of Ladakh         all of Ladakh including Aksai Chin came
         and thereby indirectly control it. Maharaja        under the State of Jammu & Kashmir and
         Ranjit Singh in turn asked the powerful            was formalized by the British and Dogras
         Dogra Generals to lead the force. In 1834          separately demarcating the boundaries. It
         the famous Dogra general Zorawar Singh             was also decided that there would be deep
         led a force to conquer ladakh- which he            friendship politically between Ladakh &
         did and for the next five years consolidated       Tibet (please remember that as both areas
         the area of Ladakh. By 1840 he had firm            were Buddhist there was no problem with
         control over Ladakh and neighbouring state         the religious side). Most importantly it was
         of Baltistan to the west. He soon turned           also decided that trade routes would remain
         Eastwards towards the lucrative North              open and allow unfettered trade.
         Western Tibet – basically to control the            Unfortunately the information given to
         lucrative wool trade. It is said that being a      the Chinese Emperor in Peking was highly
         devout Hindu he was keen to visit Kailash          distorted and furthermost from the actual
         Mansarover, but decided to capture the             picture. Conveniently this interpretation is
         territory as he went along. Having reached         what the Chinese refer to and not the actual
         as far as Taklatok on the Tibet–Nepal border,      happenings. They argue that Tibet was
         the alarmed British were concerned that if         subordinate to the Chinese Imperial Court
         the valiant Dogras (along with the much            and could not take any decisions or treaties
         larger Sikh force combined)  and Nepalese          on political and economic issues. That treaty
         got together and marched on Tibet then they        very specifically states that “not now or  in

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