Page 39 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 39
the future the Tibetan state will interfere saved. A hastily constructed airfield just
with boundaries of Ladakh come down from outside of Leh brought in much needed
ancient times, and it’s surroundings”. The reinforcements.
Dogras formalized this too with the British
and thus Ladakh came to be as part of the
greater State of Jammu & Kashmir.
Patrols and horseback supplies somewhere in the DBO sector
The period from 1900 to 1950 are said to The newly built road from Kargil to Leh was just wide enough
be the most peaceful between Kashmir and for 1 vehicle to pass through
Tibet, though each one had their own share After India’s independence, naively Nehru
of problems. In 1913, British India, China started deepening relations with China,
and Tibet met at Shimla to discuss and who never looked at the friendship as
demarcate the international boundary as per India did. The government pursued non-
maps available. Though China participated, alignment which China took as being a
they later backed off saying that the maps sign of weakness and without any backing.
were not correct and could be taken as After the invasion of Communist China
final.. The British at that stage upset at this into Tibet in 1950, India lost it’s toehold in
flip flop attitude of the Chinese decided Tibet. India which was preoccupied with
to bypass the Chinese totally and discuss it’s own problems did not think too much
India’s Himalayan border directly with into it, and China took advantage of that by
Tibet. China, later rejected this McMahon showing some parts of Aksai Chin as part
line demarcated and maintained that the of their territory. India by then had recalled
said treaty had no sanctity without China’s their mission in Tibet and thus were literally
endorsement. left blind to the happenings in that part
As far as Ladakh was concerned the of the world. Aksai Chin erroneous maps
main problem happened when the British did surprise and raise resentment in New
left India and the two states of India & Delhi, but Chou En Lai deceptively kept on
Pakistan were created. Having met with telling that that this was based on old maps
stiff resistance in the Kashmir valley, the and would be corrected soon. Obviously the
pro-Pakistani forces pushed through diabolical minds in Peking had other ideas.
Gilgit, Baltistan towards Leh. It was the India did pursue this in the world fora for a
arrival of Indian forces at the eleventh hour while, but nothing came out of it. India did
that the Ladakh, as we know of now, was not understand well enough Mao Tse Tung’s