Page 41 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 41
the induction of the forces in Ladakh, the nerve. This was apparently a test to see the
first post at DBO (Daulat Beg Oldi) - just resolve of the Indians. After testing our
16 kms away from the Karakorum Pass posts a few times at various locations it must
- was established. Due to hostile terrain, have dawned on their local commanders
only one route could be used through that the Indians will not retreat in face of a
the year – via the Shyok river. Winter is numerically superior force and other tactics
very treacherous and even now there are had to be used. I am told that this was the
skeletons of humans and animals which first time Army HQ had issued the order of
can be found in the area. Simultaneously “fight to the last man and last round” – at
small posts were being set up right from the least on the China border.
Southern most area of Demchok till DBO in An important post was set up in the
the north. Regular reports were coming in strategically important Galwan valley.
through local shepherds that the Chinese Soon after the post was set up a large
were consolidating positions and creeping Chinese force surrounded it and tried all
forward. Cunningly they believed in the tricks to dislodge the small Indian Gorkha
adage that occupation was 9/10 of the law. detachment. The siege went for a long time,
It was then a new policy was formulated but the Indians did not budge and this
in India to combat that and was called the probably is when the Chinese decided to
“Forward Policy Directive” and the India change tactics. On 19 October, 1962 they
troops were ordered to move deep into decided to take two posts in the Despang
unoccupied India territory as much as plains by force. They came in strong with
was possible and set up posts. With very heavy artillery and with a force of nearly
limited manpower each post could only be 10:1. Intense fire fights ensued that night but
manned by with 10-20 troops at the most. the outnumbered and ill-equipped Indians
The Chinese had many times the number of could not hold on and had to lay down their
men, and more importantly they had been lives in a gallant fight. Word came that out of
building roads and communication network a total of 18 posts in the DBO sector only two
very close to their posts and so could were still with India. The Chinese aggression
quickly deploy and redeploy. It was a great had begun. The next day the remaining two
achievement that the Indians recovered quite posts were also overrun.
a bit of our territory with this policy even Soon news came of the post Galwan came
though it was tactically flawed. under heavy fire and was soon over run
A landing strip was created in July 1962 as were quite a few more posts – simply
to service the many posts being created because of lacking in numbers and
in the DBO area. This is still the world’s inadequate fire power. It has to be pointed
highest landing strip and has proved to be out that the casualty in the Chinese side
of immense advantage for the deployment was far higher, but with overall numerical
there. superiority of many times over Indians
The first move made by the Chinese was in could not halt the wave. Simultaneous
late 1961, when the a large unit of Chinese attacks were carried out on the Chushul
troops came right upto a post in the area , and the Demchok Southern sectors, where
expecting the small detachment to give up too because of their superior numbers they
and retreat but our jawans held on their just over ran the Indians. By the 28 October