Page 48 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 48


                                                          Justice and

                                                          Equality for All?

                                                           More than 70 years after our
                                                           Constitution was formally adopted,
                                                           most senior citizens still struggle
                                                           for their rights and dignity, writes
                                                           Sonavi Kher Desai

         Seventy years ago, on 26 November 1949, the        Provisions in law
         Constitution of India was formally adopted.        With regard to legislation, a few years after
         It envisages Justice, Liberty, and Equality for    Independence, The Hindu Adoption and
         all its citizens, of whom a large percentage       Maintenance Act, 1956, was passed. Under
         today (8.6%) is senior citizens. The Justice       this Act, every Hindu son or daughter is
         sought to be secured is social, economic and       obliged to maintain their aged parent(s).
         political, and the Equality contemplated           Under Muslim personal law, too, sons and
         relates to status and opportunity.                 daughters have to maintain their parents,
         In pursuance of this goal, the Constitution        if they have the means to do so. However,
         incorporates Directive Principles of State         Christian and Parsi personal law does not
         Policy. Unlike Fundamental Rights, these           have such provisions.
         Directive Principles cannot be enforced            The Criminal Procedure Code, 1973,
         by law but they form the basis on which            provides that a petition can be filed in
         legislation is formulated. So, for example,        a criminal court by senior citizens who
         Article 41 of the Directive Principles of State    cannot maintain themselves, to enforce
         Policy says that the State shall endeavour         maintenance by their child/children
         to provide the right to education and to           who have sufficient means to do so. This
         work in cases of unemployment, old age,            is applicable to all, whether married or
         sickness and disablement, within the limits        unmarried, irrespective of religion.
         of economic capacity. Similarly, Article 46        The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents
         states that the educational and economic           and Senior Citizens Act, 2007, [sought to be
         rights of weaker sections of society (which        amended by the Maintenance and Welfare
         includes senior citizens) must be protected        of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment)
         by the State.                                      Bill, 2019] was enacted to safeguard rights

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