Page 44 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 44

they declared a ceasefire on 21 November           consternation about the order of last man
         and the guns stopped booming. If they              to fight to last bullet against such a vastly
         wanted to take advantage of our being down         numerically superior force. There was no
         and out they could have pushed us further          way we could have won and so what was
         west and occupied much larger area, but            the reason for this order and lose precious
         perhaps it did not fit into their long-range       lives? Similarly why was no artillery
         plans.Very wisely our commanders were              support provided at the Battle of Rezangla?
         not fooled and expecting the deceptive             Why could no additional guns be pressed
         Chinese to renew their hostilities, kept up        into service? If the Army HQ realized that
         our defensive positions. I am told that our        the full brigade has to be moved from Leh
         fall-back positions were very well chosen,         to Chushul they knew the importance of
         so if the attacks were renewed the Chinese         this battle and so accordingly additional
         would have had to expose themselves across         artillery should have been provided. It is
         Chushul valley.                                    on record that there were two more field
          Thus ended the Chinese aggression of 1962,        artillery batteries in Ladakh at that time
         with India getting a bloody nose. There is no      and could have been redeployed and moved
         doubt that we were caught unprepared but it        back in case of major reverses. It was just a
         cannot be attributed to our gallant frontline      massacre.
         jawans & officers.  One can point out to a few      Finally, there were a few blunders like
         reasons and were hotly debated for a long          the Forward Policy Directive as it drove
         time.                                              on limited resources too thin. I think that
          The first can certainly be attributed to          the miscalculation was on account of the
         the wrong assessment by our political              thinking that the Chinese would not get into
         leadership. The biggest mistake was that           a fire fight. What gave that impression to our
         they took Chinese leadership on face value         political leadership at that time is beyond
         rather than reading their intentions. The          me. We too did not take advantage of the
         communists did have only one agenda -              most suitable and high altitude adaptive
         which our leaders could not see through.           Ladakhi population and instead pushed
         Expansionist China who totally obscured            on people from other parts of India who
         historical data and information wanted an          were ill-prepared for high altitude warfare.
         inept Indian leadership and got their wish.        It seems that no provision, and more
         Indians totally ignored the military build-        importantly, thinking was made to employ
         up including road constructions, and most          these local and highly motivated people. We
         importantly totally ignored the invasion of        surely could have saved many a lives. By the
         Tibet. They forgot to consult maps to see          time the Indian leadership understood the
         what the Chinese would need to consolidate         value of these hardy and brave people, it was
         their positions in Tibet and Sinkiang.             too late.
          I also think that our tall military leadership     The Indian political establishment,
         did not stand up to the political leadership to    including the opposition of that time,
         tell them that India’s military was not ready      protested loudly to deal firmly with the
         for a well-prepared Chinese attack. Eyeball        Chinese and with added pressure wrong
         to eyeball confrontation would eventually          decisions got taken. Poor decision making
         lead to an all-out war. There was also much        and unpreparedness in the (then) NEFA

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