Page 49 - Seniors Today June2020
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of senior citizens. Under this Act, senior
         citizens can enforce maintenance by their
         children and also seek relief in cases where
         their rights with regard to property, finance,
         and personal security are violated. The
         transfer of a senior citizen’s property, if made   Many senior citizens leave their finances to their offspring,
         illegally, can be made void under this Act.        and this can lead to exploitation
         Also, children living with their senior citizen    maintenance and property issues. There is
         parents and abusing them can be evicted            often delay in getting justice due to the sheer
         from the home under the Act.                       number of cases before the Tribunal and
                                                            the time taken for the process. Moreover,
         Areas of concern                                   the maximum amount of maintenance that
         But how far has legislation, and the               can be awarded is Rs. 10,000, which is
         Government, been successful in                     meagre. Several changes are required to be
         guaranteeing justice and equality as               brought about to ensure speedy justice and
         provided by the Constitution to its senior         protection of rights of senior citizens.
         citizens, especially to the poorest among          Old Age Homes run by the State are
         them? A few areas that concern them the            often sorely lacking when it comes to
         most are reviewed below.                           hygiene, healthcare and nutrition. Many
         Most senior citizens live off their savings        homes do not have properly trained staff
         post-retirement, and are often not able to         or counsellors. And cases of neglect and
         maintain themselves. Moreover, second              exploitation of the elderly in many such
         careers are very scarce. There is a need to        homes abound. With more numbers of
         impart vocational training and to create           the elderly population requiring State-run
         employment opportunities for seniors.              homes, it is imperative that the quality of
         Pension is not available to all citizens and       these homes in the above areas is improved
         sometimes the process of disbursement of           and checks are regularly done to ensure that
         monetary benefits is delayed or slow. The          the elderly get the justice and equality they
         Melbourne Mercer Global Pension Index,             are entitled to.
         2018, shows that India is the second lowest        There is a lack of awareness of legal rights
         among 34 countries providing retirement            in a large percentage of the population.
         income systems with good benefits.                 Education about legal rights, as also legal
         Good healthcare facilities, especially             aid for those who need it, must be made
         specialised treatments, are expensive and          available to all.
         are not available to all citizens. Specialised     And finally, the above is the situation
         geriatric treatment too is not available           under normal circumstances. During
         everywhere. A lot more needs to be done to         unprecedented times, like the pandemic we
         provide specialised and geriatric treatments       are going through, the problems of senior
         in state-run medical facilities.                   citizens who are alone or economically
         Property of seniors is often usurped by            backward multiply.
         children or others as can be seen from             Seventy years after our Constitution
         the number of cases filed in this regard.          guaranteed them equality and justice, most
         Most cases under the 2007 Act relate to            senior citizens still struggle.

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