Page 57 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 57


         Exercises to



         Staying confined can lead to loss of desire to eat, at a time when it is even
         more important to get proper nutrition. Dr Supriya Antarkar Joshi explains
         how exercises can bring back your lost hunger

         March 2020 saw life take an unexpected             constipation, irregular bowel movements
         turn. The largest national lockdown due            and other digestive conditions take a toll on
         to Covid-19 put the brakes on everything.          overall health. Apart from healthy eating
         Though restrictions are now easing for             and sleeping habits, exercises can really
         others, senior members of the community            help improve your gut health and ultimately
         are still asked to continue home restrictions,     appetite.
         as they are more susceptible for infection          These exercises can help improve the lost
         and its complications.                             hunger:
          Due to restricted mobility during lockdown        Walking
         phase, many seniors reported increased             One of the simplest exercises to include in
         blood sugar level, raised blood pressure,          your workout regime. Brisk walking for
         restlessness, anxiety and loss of appetite, etc.   30-40 minutes daily keeps you away from
         Loss of appetite can be linked to low              digestive and other medical problems like
         energy levels, being uncomfortable all the         diabetes mellitus. If walking outdoors is not
         time, disrupted bowel movements, stress,           a suitable option for you, in house walking
         flatulence and even weight gain or loss. One       can be equally effective and safe if you can
         of the main reasons for not feeling hungry is      take care for following points-
         poor digestion!                                     Take at least half an hour walk from one
          Healthy digestion not only helps to               room to other. Preferably wear walking
         eliminate toxins but also keeps your               shoes. Yes, even at home.
         stomach light and detoxed. Indigestion,             Be careful of any furniture or walls,

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