Page 58 - Seniors Today June2020
P. 58

start losing tone leading to “belly tires”
                                                            and reduced control over digestive system
                                                            causing flatulence and bloating. Planks,
                                                            half curls, cycling in air etc are excellent abs
                                                            workouts to improve the muscle tone and
                                                            to bring back the digestive system on track.
                                                            Even better these exercises can also help you
                                                            lose belly fat when combined with proper


         In case walking outdoors is not possible, take walks in the   Some yoga poses like Pawanmuktasana,
         house, and make sure to wear walking shoes         Shashankasana, Urdhwa and Adho
         slippery surfaces.                                 mukhashawanasana,Virbhadrasana,
           If the house is small, see if family members     Paravatasana,Ardha navasana,etc are
         can give you time and space during your            excellent for improving digestion and
         workout.                                           losing belly fat. They help stretch and relax
          If possible try to match your outdoor             abdominal muscles and reduce problems
         walking pace.                                      like flatulence and hyperacidity.
          More importantly, enjoy the walk!                 Yoga can also help you reduce stress level
                                                            which is another factor that causes digestive
         Mat exercises                                      issues.
         You can also do some fun mat exercises!
         There are plenty of simple exercise videos         Breathing exercises
         on YouTube to choose from. Select the              You might not be aware of this but even the
         appropriate exercise intensity according to        simple breathing exercise can improve your
         you physical capacity.                             digestion. Proper breathing pattern can help
          If your health condition permits,                 problems like heartburn, hyperacidity and
         performing Sun salutation is one of the            bloating. All you need to do is sit up straight
         best exercises. But don’t overdo or under do       and practice deep breathing, deeply and
         anything!                                          slowly, using your abdominal muscles and
          If mat exercises are not feasible due             focus on active inhalation. This also helps
         physical restrictions like cardiac condition,      reduce stress levels.
         imbalance, arthritis, vertigo or neurological
         conditions, etc. you may try simple chair                            Dr Supriya Antarkar Joshi,
         or seated exercises. They can be equally                             Chief Physiotherapist & Pro-
         effective if done properly and regularly.                            prietor of Cura Physiotherapy
                                                                              Clinic, is an ergonomist, geriat-
                                                                              ric expert and sports therapist.
         Core strengthening                                                   This content provided above is
         Core muscles are deepest group of                                    generic information. Always
         abdominal muscles and play a great role in                           consult your physiotherapist or
         one’s posture and digestion. With growing                            specialist doctor before per-
         age and accumulation of fat, these muscles                           forming any exercise workouts.

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