Page 13 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 13
that we had collected along the way. Once
back in Delhi Navin had little time for
such things while I found I had time to
devote to our children, to conservation
and to writing. While professionally he
was busy, personally Navin always had a
feel for art and the beautiful things of life
so it was never difficult to find common
ground. We have our little squabbles
similar to most couples but they are
about issues other than the passions
that we share, interests that bring great
compactness in our relationship. Navin and Rupika then (with Mother Teresa)
on working together in life with
What do you think about commonality partners as a team (does contemporary
of views or do you find differences are living support or require this)?
healthy to inculcate? Rupika: (Laughs) When we got married,
Navin: In the early years of Rupika’s we were the younger lot!
involvement in the art world, I was It’s not just today but I feel you have
completely immersed in my Civil Service to manage the balancing act in any
career. Her passion for contemporary art relationship, as also in a marriage. You
did not at first interest me, but we shared have to view yourself as a unit if you want
an interest in more conventional art such it to be a good marriage.
as the more realistic art as evidenced in Each spouse has their individuality
Tanjore paintings, a passion we began to and you bring it out and you make it
share when I was posted to Pondicherry sparkle or make the light less according
in 1979 for a couple of years. Soon to the situation. If you always say I am an
thereafter Rupika entered another world, individual and I am the centre, you are
that of art conservation which in turn led not going to be able to manage it.
to her great interest in the 19th century
painter Raja Ravi Varma. That opened The little things that couples do for
other interesting doors for me, which each have a great impact on their
were of course in complete contrast to emotional wellbeing. The stories of
my Civil Service life, but nonetheless one Anjolie-Raja, Kamal-Krishan, Kusum-
that began to interest me more and more. Salman, and Rupika-Navin tell us that
So too did her writing, particularly her a great companionship requires an ease
spectacular work on Raja Ravi Varma. So, in communication and the will to stay
writing did become a shared interest as connected. Being able to lean on each
did art. other through the rough patches and
standing tall for one another. It is about
You are seen as a couple who actively working through differences in a creative
support each other’s work and passion. way, and paying close attention to each
What is your advice to younger people other’s passion and interest.