Page 12 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 12
Interests and Passions As a young couple how did you view Mr
The couples are addressing aspects of a Chawla’s work?
healthy relationship that go a long way in Rupika: When I married Navin his first
keeping each other positive and the home posting was in Delhi as Sub-Divisional
happy. They talk of their life experiences Magistrate and he used to look after Tis
and their views. Hazari and Shahdra, considered in those
In one’s relationship with one’s spouse, days to be troubled areas. I have always
finding common ground to build a enjoyed listening to the intricacies of his
relationship on as one gets on in years, civil service life and its many challenges.
is a fundamental to staying engaged and It was as a civil servant that he met
interested in each other Mother Teresa, a meeting that changed
Navin Chawla is a retired Senior his life so completely.
Administrator who was the 16th Chief
Election Commissioner of India, When did you develop an interest in
internationally recognised for impartially writing? Is authoring books a common
conducting the 2009 General Election. He interest between you and your spouse?
has had compulsions of his professional Navin: My interest in writing developed
responsibility take up his time for issues by accident. I was an IAS officer and the
that are reasonably formal in their only writing I did was on files!
dispensation. Nowadays his interest in I had known Mother (now Saint) Teresa,
writing and his passion for the NGO he for 15 years, when almost on impulse
founded and supports takes up his time. I asked her one day whether I could
Rupika with her expertise in conservation write her biography. She was initially
of paintings and interest in murals, very reluctant but after she finally gave
period paintings and antiques, has a permission, Rupika and I travelled
more organic ability to engage with her to Kolkata together to embark on this
work and passions. Her refined sense of journey. Although Mother gave me
aesthetic is admired by all. permission, I remained immersed in
my work for the next three years. But
I luckily got transferred to a lighter
assignment and that enabled me to finish
the book. Rupika helped throughout this
Have you over the years made a
conscious effort to find common ground
in the things you both do as a couple?
Rupika: We had developed the thrill of
collecting small antiques when Navin was
posted to Pondicherry in 1979. When I
studied conservation shortly thereafter,
we understood the excitement of sorting
Navin and Rupika now out our little objects and our paintings