Page 5 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
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         Vandana Menon, an architect                        Gouri Dange  is a writer and
         by training  who has  headed  her                  family counsellor with eight
         proprietary  firm  since  1996,  is                published  books   and   long-
         interested in engaging with people                 running columns in national
         and giving back to society.                        publications.

                          Prabhakar Mundkur  is an                           Deepa Gahlot  is one of India’s
                          advertising  veteran,  a  lateral                  seniormost   and   best-known
                          thinker, storyteller and musician.                 entertainment  journalists.  A
                          A coffee aficionado, husband and                   National Award-winning  film
                          a father of two, he also describes                 critic, she  has authored  several
                          himself as dogs’ best friend.                      books on film and theatre.

         Narendra    Kusnur    is  one                      Navneet Sahni  has been deeply
         of India’s best-known music                        involved in the travel industry
         journalists. Born with a musical                   from  1978. Nature,  the  outdoors
         spoon, so to speak, he is a late                   and a love for the mountains
         bloomer in music criticism.                        entices him to explore hidden

                          Dr Noor Gill,  MBBS, deciphers                     Dr A R Vanitha Senthil,  MPT
                          the space between heartbeats,                      is Chief Physiotherapist, JP Nagar
                          figuratively and literally. She                    Medical   and   Physiotherapy
                          believes   that    “knowledge                      Centre, Bengaluru.
                          without giving back to society is

         Nagesh Alai  is a management                       Manisha  Mehta  is a dietitian
         consultant,  an   independent                      and nutritionist, with  expertise
         director on company boards, and                    in food service management and
         cofounder of a B2B enterprise                      food technology.
         tech startup. He can be reached at

        SENIORS TODAY | ISSUE #15 | SEPTEMBER 2020                                                          5
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