Page 7 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 7
Anjolie: In those days we could only because I had the two little kids to manage
communicate through inland letters, so we and I remember making a move from
would write the occasional letter, that was Vizag to Mumbai all on my own, Raja was
our only means of communication. away at sea. Even when my first child was
I had a friend whose father was the born, I was in Lucknow with my parents-
commandant of the NDA, so I went quite he wasn’t there, he came to visit on leave
often to visit this friend, ostensibly, and I but was recalled to give witness at a court
was able to meet Raja and was able to be martial. So, he stayed for one day but then
there for his passing out parade when he didn’t see his son for five months. We had
won the gold medal. a lot of difficult times, I had to manage
everything. During the move I had to
What about the time it was completely manage shifting with two kids, including
long-distance? unloading the car from the train and
Anjolie: Letters, only letters. Then I also driving it back and staying in temporary
went off to Paris to finish my degree and accommodation. I was left to do that.
Raja went aboard a ship, so the letters were
few and far between but we carried on So, in those times how did you manage
corresponding your relationship?
Anjolie: No, we were very happy to see
In your days on a ship and a submarine, each other after many days and a big
how did you stay in touch and keep your relief after he came home. But there’s a big
connection alive with Anjolie? brotherhood in the Navy, so others help
Raja: That was virtually impossible, in out, in fact, the children and I stayed with
those days ships went out for a summer another couple for almost a month. The
cruise which was normally for 2-3 months, young officers would come over and offer
via Chennai and Vishakhapatnam and you help and one of them who has remained
could only send letters from the harbour a good friend taught the children how to
which was only once every two weeks or swim.
so. Similarly, we had another cruise in the
winter for about three months where there What is your view on communication
were very hectic exercises in the Indian with your spouse?
Ocean and that was life at sea. But of Raja: Husbands and wives may
course, if you were posted ashore you went have different interests in life but
home every evening at five o’clock. communication together is a good thing-
they must do something together in a
And on a submarine? day, even if itis watching television. The
Raja: On a submarine, of course, it was a main thing is that they should retain a
difficult life, don’t want to think about it sense of humour, particularly to get them
(laughs) through tough times. As Anjolie was
saying the Navy is a hospitable service
How did you cope with non-family and if a family has no children and a
postings? spare bedroom you were always welcome
Anjolie: It was very difficult to cope to share the flat.