Page 9 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 9
Through Thick and Thin is not just a What do you recall as being something
saying you have done that your spouse thought
was special?
Krishan: Through my work, Kamal had
the opportunity to work in 40 villages
near the factory, I was building in a
Naxalite area of Andhra Pradesh. In the
late 70s I was able to arrange a car for
her to travel into the forest and distribute
medicines to the Naxalite families. That
success was very satisfying for her
and she had the opportunity to spread
happiness. She continued to work with
the villagers, especially the women and
they together went on to change the
Kamal and Krishan now villages at Bhadracham into Swachh
Krishan Lal Chugh has only just hung up Villages.
his boots at 83. As Chairman Emeritus of
ITC and after 23 years as the Chairman of What has your role been in guiding
Gati Ltd, he has had his hands full. your spouse when he had to make tough
Kamal Chugh has been a lecturer and decisions?
teacher from right after her Masters in Kamal: I have been very supportive of
Sanskrit. She has spent many years at the my husband in whatever way he wanted.
helm of several organisations in the social I respected his wishes and the decisions
service sector. he took in his life. That has helped him
be confident of what he is doing. We
How have you kept a balance between have often talked and he discusses his
the attraction of the high life and a thoughts with me too.
mundane daily routine?
Kamal: I’ve never had ostentatious
tastes and unnecessary desires. In
fact, Anjolie Menon once called me a
Handloom Punjabi!I was keen to get a
good education, had the desire to be a
professional and I wanted to work before
I got married. I enjoyed teaching and had
taught at a college in Punjab and school
in Hyderabad for many years. I was never
very ambitious to have a high life so the
corporate life was more a responsibility
than an interest as I am completely
comfortable with a traditional Indian
lifestyle. Kamal and Krishan then