Page 10 - Seniors Toady - September Issue 2020
P. 10

How have you coped with the effect
         your challenges have had on your
         Krishan: I think if you have the support
         of your spouse in life’s tough times, then
         together the two can overcome anything.
         That has been my experience. Kamal has
         been my rock! We have been there for
         each other through the ups and downs
         of life. And that is what I have cherished
         over the years.

         How would you guide the younger
         generation on values that that build a
         life together?                                     Kusum and Salman now
         Kamal: The younger generation has to               under Ebrahim Alkazi, have contributed
         be inculcated with a good value system,            to her large, multicultural world view.
         personally I am conservative and was
         particular about traditional teachings -           What was life like in the Foreign
         they are time tested.                              Service? How did you each engage in it?
          I believe that’s how we have done well            Salman: It was unknown and a challenge.
         - with a good value system and hard                I had no idea of what it was like to be
         work. That’s what I have laid stress on.           a diplomat. Diplomats were not born –
         The challenges today are societal but if           they were made through the process of
         children are taught, even by example of            training. The Foreign Service is a really
         my generation, they will navigate through          small service compared to the IAS. It’s
         life and come out stronger.                        much smaller and we have a professional
                                                            pride in what we do. As a diplomat in
         Compatibility and Opposites Attract -              the Foreign Service, very early in life our
         how differences complement                         social commitments became a pattern of
         Salman Haidar is a former Indian                   existence which we got attuned to and
         diplomat who served as the Foreign                 enjoyed.
         Secretary of India and also as High                Kusum: How we got together- just
         Commissioner of India to the United                happened - we met at a very young age
         Kingdom. As a seasoned diplomat he                 and I married Salman who was in the
         had the trust and favour of several Prime          Foreign Service. I had led a very simple
         Ministers of India.                                life, so after my marriage to him a whole
          Kusum Haidar is a veteran theatre                 new world opened to me because the
         actress, art director and Tai Chi exponent.        Foreign Service meant travel and going
         After her early education in India, her            to different places and meeting very
         stint in France, prolific years travelling         interesting people - that made a difference
         with her husband, and acting in the                to me. A lot of women in the Foreign
         Bhulabhai Desai Trust, Mumbai as well as           Service said they felt like glorified

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