Page 21 - seniors today november 2020
P. 21

regular troops and border police; so as to         located 6km inside East Pakistan, was an
         successfully dominate the border and ‘No           important crossroad for both nations. In
         man’s land’ across the Kabadak river. By           the event of the full military option having
         end November 1971, the enemy actions had           to be exercised, 9 Infantry Division had
         reached a level where it became necessary          planned to secure Jessore, and one of its
         to protect Indian interests by occupying           axis of advance was the Chaugacha-Jessore
         selected enclaves in East Pakistan.                highway. Its control created a road map for
                                                            Indian forces to eventually defeat Pakistani
         Task                                               troops in December 1971.
         14 Punjab (Nabha Akal), a veteran battalion
         under the able command of Lt Col (later Brig)      Reconnaissance
         RK Singh, was initially tasked to occupy a         During the morning of November 20,
         battalion defended area in Fatehpur, located       1971, a strong patrol was sent across the
         6 kms inside East Pakistan, which was well         border to reconnoitre a suitable area
         dominated by enemy patrols. The task was           ahead of Fatehpur. Maj (later Lt Col) AP
         later revised ‘to secure area of Garibpur by       Vishwanathan, OC Alpha Company, led
         first light Nov 21, 1971’. 14 Punjab was chosen    this patrol which comprised elements of
         to advance well inside to secure enemy             rifle companies to ensure that all these
         territory in order to block the Chaugacha-         companies would have route guidance
         Jessore road and trap the withdrawing              on arrival into positions. The move of the
         enemy from Chaugacha, or prevent any               unit was supposed to be a surprise, but
         reinforcements joining from Jessore. The           following a skirmish with an enemy patrol,
         unit was supported by artillery, ‘C’ Squadron      the Pakistanis were alerted of the impending
         of 45 Cavalry consisting of 14 PT – 76 tanks,      attack.
         platoon engineers of 102 Engineer Regiment
         and medical elements.                              Advance to Garibpur
                                                            14 Punjab along with ‘Charlie’ Squadron
         Importance of Garibpur                             45 Cavalry equipped with 14 PT-76 tanks
         Located in the Boyra salient, Garibpur lies        crossed the international border formed by
         astride the highway from India to Jessore          the Kabadak river near Bayra and reached
         via Chaugacha. The hamlet of Garibpur,             the Garibpur position by last light on
                                                            November 20. There was just enough time
                                                            for Lt Col RK Singh to issue orders on the
                                                            radio to his company commanders and the
                                                            squadron commander, ‘C’ Squadron 45
                                                            Cavalry before the early winter set in.

                                                            Assessment of the Enemy
                                                            A battalion of Pakistani 107 Infantry
                                                            Brigade was located at Chaugacha, while the
                                                            remainder brigade and 9 Infantry Division
                                                            was in Jessore. Since the Garibpur position
         Captured Pakistani weapons during the Battle of Garibpur  would outflank the Pakistani battalion at

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