Page 24 - seniors today november 2020
P. 24

the battalion from the rear. Maj NJS Bains,
                                                            the Company Commander marshalled his
                                                            company with great skill and executing a
                                                            well-organised move almost in the face of
                                                            the enemy, occupied a new position south of
                                                            the built up area in the forest vegetation near
                                                             During the enemy’s outflanking move to
                                                            attack Charlie Company, when the enemy
                                                            had closed in within range, they were
                                                            effectively engaged at the opportune moment
                                                            by own troops. Sub Malkiat Singh, the
                                                            Platoon Commander, enthused his men by
                                                            moving under the enemy’s small arms and
                                                            artillery shelling at the cost of his life. While
                                                            hurling a grenade on the charging enemy,
                                                            he was grievously wounded but continued
                                                            to fire till he emptied his two light machine
                                                            gun magazines. He displayed conspicuous

         Our Gnats in action against the enemy Sabres during the   gallantry for which he was awarded a
         air battle                                         Mahavir Chakra (MVC).
         Chaffee tanks.                                      When the enemy was very close to own
          Around 5am, Charlie Company reported              defences, Maj Bains requested for Defensive
         enemy activity opposite their defences             Fire (SOS) fire on the enemy forming up
         at Pitambarpur. It became apparent that            at the FUP and getting ready for their
         while an infantry column was making for            third attack. Maj Kailash Nath, the Battery
         Pitambarpur, simultaneously a tank based           Commander ensured an accurate barrage.
         force was approaching Delta Company at             The enemy fled in confusion.
         South Jagannathpur.
          At 6.15am, 6 Punjab of Pakistan Army              Main Frontal Attack
         ferociously charged the Charlie Company            The main attack, however, came frontally
         location near Pitambarpur through
         Chaugacha built up area. The enemy
         encircled the Charlie Company location
         and a fierce encounter and exchange of fire
         took place. During the pitch dark night, the
         enemy had closed near enough to indulge in
         hand to hand fight.
          When the enemy was seen making an
         outflanking move to surround the company
         from South, Lt Col RK Singh now ordered
         the company south to Jehangirpur, for              Pakistani Chaffee tank destroyed during the Battle of
         which the Pakistanis would head to take            Garibpur

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