Page 18 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 18
Deborshi Dutt – 6 months in UK, 18 Natasha Khanna – 3 years + 1 year after a
years in the US gap in the US
The basic intent to move out is the
opportunity access, merit-based growth
model and transparency in the dealings for
basic day to day life. In the last few years,
#3 is growing in India (with digitisation of
services) however #1 and #2 are still a gap. The main reason we moved were better
The opportunities seem to be there, however quality of life, greater opportunities for Naira,
the volume/scale is not the same as in US. better work-life balance which is completely
More so the US seems to have a much larger missing in the Indian work scenario.
share of this than the European Union. I think we have emotional attachment
China may be similar to US but the govt because we have just relocated less than a
intervention may be the limiting factor. year ago. But I think once you settle down
The emotional attachment is still there - here, have a friends’ circle, the attachment
thus the debate to get citizenship and give up reduces to quite an extent.
the IN passport. Would not do that unless for The only reason I truly feel the want to go
the current nationalist behaviour / political back is because parents are there alone and
scenario. Which after a lot of debate we have getting old.
initiated with a heavy heart. When you are here for years and build a life
Also, there is the want to give back to the here it becomes home and going back feels
country. That’s the current dilemma, and like you are an outsider there. (This is what
the parents getting old which is a bigger one friends who have settled here have told me.)
with both brothers here. Supporting them is I still think of Pune as home. Probably this
something we will have to figure out as they might change when I am here for a while and
won’t move to the US. buy a house and settle down.