Page 15 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 15
students with lots of scholarships, fee waiver,
quality education, international exposure,
and awesome placements and opportunities
and above all, they evaluate every student
on their talent not just for their academic
excellence. While the Indian system churns
out a bunch of engineers every year, India
still lacks the infrastructure to educate the
students in cutting edge technology. The
medium of instruction is not to understand,
but to learn by “Rote”. This makes majority of
the engineers’ unemployable, and redundant.
And then a few come along who have the
passion and the diligence to work hard,
but the dreams are dashed with the lack of
options, similarly minded peers and growth
There is so much prejudice still prevailing
in the Indian society based on caste and class,
corruption, inefficient work culture that you
would ultimately have that innate desire to
leave the country and move to a place where
minded talent in India, stagnation that your work is much more valued based on
de-motivates engineers, lack of growth your performance.
opportunities, use of inefficient or obsolete The American Silicon Valley was created by
technologies, freedom to work independently companies and people who had a passion and
and not making retention an explicit priority the zeal to think original. The US government
as some of the top reasons India has trouble helped realizing that potential with the right
retaining tech talent. policies. The previous generations of our
India is not a developed country and because country decided to either whine about it or
of reservations, non-encouraging business move to the US. And that is the path many
atmosphere and society, nobody who is have taken to be successful and fulfill their
talented, skilled and passionate can fully dreams.
really realize their potential. Growth fuels And finally, I would not hesitate to say that
innovation, which in turn fuels research and any individual who works hard; deservers
development. India, as developing country and vies for the better compensation in terms
should encourage youngsters to invest their of lifestyle, financial prospects, security, self-
enthusiasm and entrepreneurial skills to respect and standard of living.
promote innovation in India. One would argue that a lot of people in India
The education system in India needs have been successful living and working in
overhauling. Indian curriculum is not for India. But compared to the population its
the creative bent of mind and not hands on, by far only a few to have been able to live
while the western countries are attracting that dream. Not everyone can be a famous