Page 17 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 17
afford to buy a house, send kids to private
school etc). Working only in a government
job means that we have regular hours, paid
leave entitlement, pension, Medicare & other
When we are on holiday or not at work,
our time is ours. No phone calls from work,
no patients calling us directly etc. And now
both kids are Australian. They will not live in
India. Can’t live in India. So, there’s even more
reason to stay here. And other reasons like no
pollution, clean streets, open spaces help.
Emotional attachment is to the people –
family in India. Some attachment to the
homes but most have been replaced with
modern buildings so they are not the ones
from memory.
Need to pay back: Yes, definitely. Everyone I
speak to feels this very strongly. We do what
we can- contribute to charities, give our time
when we can- Amit does research projects in
India & teaches young doctors the principles
of research, helps them design good projects Religious views and forced observation
& gets them funding for their projects. I do also play a role. Especially when politicians
teaching/training for medical students, junior use it against other religions, for example
doctors & nurses in managing childbirth discrimination based on religion. Rules
emergencies. The wanting to give back is the and laws should be for all to follow and not
strongest emotional attachment we have. different for Hindus or Muslims.
And the gratitude for a highly subsidised On the other hand, leaving parents, family
education and friends behind is a big sacrifice but if
that is what my parents wanted and wished
Rajendra Navlurkar – 31 years in the US so that we would have a better life says it all.
Better opportunities (education and career), Parents are the driving reasons as to why
seeking a better life, job prospects in 1989 young people are leaving India. They have
were not so great. sacrificed everything and want better things
US offers a life which is not necessarily for the next generation(s).
affected by corruption (although it’s here as Medicines and access to better health care
well) which is part of life in India. are additional reasons.
Civic sense and general understanding of It’s not easy to be an outsider in any country.
cleanliness is missing back home. I’m sure it It’s challenging but overall at least you can
has changed significantly but things haven’t have better life.
change much for the lower income folks in Still miss India but make do with great
India. memories and going back whenever possible.