Page 20 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 20

War & History

          The Sound

           of Victory

                                                            Pakistani Officers marched in by their 107 Infantry
                                                            Brigade Commander Brig Hayat for the formal Surrender
                                                            Ceremony on December 17, 1971 in Khulna

         My Bush transistor and the kaleidoscope of the 1971 war.
         By Brigadier Ajit Apte (Retd)

         “There is a parcel for you Ajit,” called           initially my battery (bty) of six guns, and
         out our Quarter Master Maj MV Menon,               then the entire regiment (regt) of 18 guns (all
         just after the Operational Briefing by our         25 Pounder) since October on the border,
         Commanding Officer (CO), Lt Col RP                 at Bagdah. I had been engaging targets
         Sahasrabudhe on Friday 3rd December 1971.          (tgt) across the border which would figure
         This briefing was on a Sand Model in our           subsequently during the war, once it started.
         Logistics base under a huge banyan tree,           On October 15 the entire regt built up on my
         which we had named as the Clive Tree. It           bty at Merani, from where we moved ahead
         was believed that the tree was planted by          to Salak into a regt gun area. The monsoons
         Sir Robert Clive after the Battle of Plassey       had been heavy and harsh, making it tough
         in 1757. Capt Jai Sapatnekar was well versed       to move the guns in the slush; they had to be
         about plants and trees, so we accepted what        manhandled by the gunners. We were firing
         he said.                                           for 350 Infantry Brigade, with whom we
         The briefing by the CO was crisp and               were In Direct Support to.
         concise. He explained to us the entire design      We were part of 9 Infantry (Inf) Division
         and concept of battle in East Pakistan, and        (Div), of the newly raised 2 Corps. Our Div
         also the tasks involved.                           had 32 Inf Bde (13 Dogras, 8 Madras & 7
         We had been deployed since September 27;           Punjab Mechanised battalion) and 42 Inf Bde

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