Page 16 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 16
celebrity, sports star or industrialist. Even in Nisha Khot – 9 years in UK, 10 years in
the western countries, everyone is not any of Australia
these, but they have a more disciplined and
comfortable life.
Anita Navlurkar – 31 years in the US
We came at a time when there wasn’t so
much opportunity in India. My first job in
1988 got me Rs 1500. Nowhere enough to be As a doctor, my options in India were limited
financially independent. It was very different – stay in a government hospital job where you
to break through in those times without the are not paid well & can be transferred to any
right connections. Dealing with corruption part of the state at any time or set up a private
was another factor. It was much easier and practice where you are at the beck & call of
faster to reach financial freedom and ease and patients 24/7 and have to deal with unethical
comfort in the US. practices like giving colleagues a percentage
Trade-off was being an immigrant and of your fee for each patient they refer to you.
not having family and friends you grew up Both options were not ones that I liked. So,
with around you. These days opportunities we decided to try another country. For Amit,
are available in India as well. So, I think it was also to do with the fact that he wanted
the decision is not that easy. But I guess to do haematology & research, both of which
competition and lack of infrastructure like were very limited in India.
electricity, water, are still a problem. My In the UK & in Australia, we have the choice
much younger colleagues from work are of having a private practice if we want to.
still wanting to settle here and willing to go Neither of us have this. Working for the
through the uncertainty of waiting for 10-15 government pays well (not as much as private
years to get a green card. practice but still, well enough that we can