Page 25 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 25

locals standing nearby.                            Jessore when they were counter-attacked by
         Our 25 Pdr guns then had only 32 rounds            the enemy.
         in each gun trailer and another 32 rounds in       Capt Kulkarni’s guns were on the move,
         each of their gun towing vehicles.                 but the other guns of the Artillery Brigade
         The requirement of the gunfire support             on ground as available continued the fire
         was so tremendous (we were firing in the           support as required.
         highest charge that is Charge 3 or Super for
         more range to hit targets in depth, and at         A hero falls
         intense rate), that we were running short          I was very upset to hear the sad news of
         of ammunition. We hailed out for the gun           my cousin Flt Lt Pradip Apte a Fighter
         towers, the FATs, to send the ammunition           Pilot who was on an HF 24 Fighter, and
         which were some distance away. But                 was shot down, and Killed in Action over
         those vehicles were strung on the narrow           Dhoronaro on the western front on 4th
         road with no possibility of moving ahead           December. Pradip was very dear to me, and
         closer to our gun areas. The road was              he left behind his young newly-wedded wife.
         on a higher embankment and our guns                That upset me very much. He was rightly
         had been deployed below the road in low            awarded a Vir Chakra for his conspicuous
         paddy harvested areas. This was a crisis           gallantry in the line of duty for the nation.
         situation. Our Dogra gunners had no                Jessore an important town, would be
         knowledge of Bengali but somehow they              captured on the night of December 6/7, thus
         could communicate our predicament to the           enabling our PM to recognise Bangladesh as
         locals who promptly took the initiative and        a new nation. The world would soon follow
         helped in carrying our ammunition boxes to         suit.
         the guns. A few villagers also brought cycle       I was fortunate to enter Jessore at about
         rickshaws and weaved their way through to          3am on December 7in a captured fire
         get the ammunition boxes to the gun areas.         tender vehicle of the Pakistan Army. It
         Our guns were firing nonstop and the breech        was a memorable drive with my Battery
         of the gun was hungry to be loaded and fired       Commander Maj Sudhir Misra and Capt
         immediately. Instead of Hand to Mouth it           Harwant Singh, to reconnoitre gun areas for
         became Hand to Breech.                             the subsequent tasks.
         Just a little later when the vehicular traffic     We would then swing down south-east-
         on the road got readjusted, it was a welcome       wards and race to Daulatpur, Siramani and
         sight to see the FAC of our 350 Inf Bde Flt        Khulna, and capture it on December 17. The
         Lt Savur, (later Air Marshal) come to my           enemy did give stubborn resistance outside
         gun position. He was of great help, when           Khulna, but we finally broke their last-ditch
         he voluntarily gave his own vehicles to            stand.
         ferry ammunition for us from the Mobile
         Ammunition Point (MAP) across the road             ‘The war is over’
         about 500m away. That accelerated the              On the night of December 16/17, 1971, I had
         ammunition movement and we fired onto              the great experience of taking my bty of six
         and beyond Jessore. This enabled my bty            guns, at 3am through a minefield, which had
         to fire for an OP Officer Capt Kulkarni of         just been breached by our engineers. Soon
         another field regiment after the capture of        after I had deployed the guns and opened

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