Page 29 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 29

body. Hot liquids speed up the process of          5. Warm Liquid First Thing in The
         opening a blocked nose, as seasonings of           Morning
         onions and pepper travel in the vapour and
         help to open nasal passages.

         3. Dry Fruits and Nuts

                                                            This could be warm water, warm lemon
                                                            water, warm turmeric water or any herb or
                                                            flower infused warm water. Warm water
         Cashews, pistachios, dates, figs, almonds,         flushes your intestines and cleanses your
         walnuts - you name it, you eat it! Dry fruits      colon, leading to clean and healthy bowels.
         are great nutrition. Not only do they help
         generate heat within the body during colder        6. More Fibre
         weather, but they also give you great energy.

         4. Tea

                                                            Eating plenty of fibre (commonly referred
                                                            to as roughage) is associated with a lower
                                                            risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes,
         There are a variety of teas - green and            and bowel cancer. Choosing foods with fibre
         black are superlative - that you can brew,         - oats, bran, pulses, veggies - also make
         to suit the mood of your day. Tisanes also         us feel fuller, help digestion, and prevent
         work perfectly if you’d rather not add milk.       constipation.
         Tea has so many benefits, but we give it
         five stars for its antioxidant and purifying       7. Probiotics
         properties. Adding spices and herbs like           Probiotics are basically live bacteria that
         ginger to tea during winter warms up               are beneficial for our better digestion and
         your body; conversely, infusing herbs like         immune system. Many probiotics are
         peppermint and lemongrass give you an              similar to bacteria that are naturally living
         energy boost in warmer climates.                   in our body. Though many opt for probiotic

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