Page 30 - Seniors Today December 2020
P. 30

Refined sugar is typically found as sucrose,
                                                            which is the combination of glucose
                                                            and fructose. Food manufacturers add
                                                            chemically produced sugar, typically high-
                                                            fructose corn syrup, to a wide range of
                                                            foods and beverages. The body breaks down
                                                            refined sugar rapidly, because of which
                                                            insulin and blood sugar levels rise, and you
                                                            don’t feel full. Too much sugar is stored
                                                            as fat, which leads to obesity and related
         supplements, you can also get them from            diseases.
         fermented foods. Yogurt, kombucha, idlis,
         cottage cheese, miso, kimchi, buttermilk are       10. Green Juice is Good
         excellent sources.

         8. More Fruit and Vegetables

                                                            Green juice is made from the juices of a mix
                                                            of your choice of green vegetables. Common
                                                            ingredients include celery, kale, Swiss
                                                            chard, spinach, wheatgrass, cucumber,
         Too much meat could be taxing your                 parsley, and mint. Add your favourite fruit
         digestion and raising your cholesterol             like pineapple, apple, berries to sweeten,
         levels, whereas a diet with plenty of              and your reward is improved digestion,
         fruit and veggies keeps you feeling more           weight loss, reduced inflammation, and
         energetic and is easy on your systems.             boosted immunity. Commercial green juices
                                                            are available as well, but some varieties
         9. Cut Refined Sugar                               contain added sugar so do check the label.

                                                            11. More Vitamin C
                                                            Vitamin C is one of the safest and most
                                                            effective nutrients, experts say. Though
                                                            it’s not the best cure for a cold, the benefits
                                                            of vitamin C may include protection
                                                            against immune system deficiencies,
                                                            cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health
                                                            problems, eye disease, and even skin

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