Page 22 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 22

The Signal chat app is the flavour of the day, particularly after tech wiz Elon Musk’s endorsement of it
          While I have consciously stayed away              converting all of us into ‘products’ to be
         from television and OTTs by and large, I           consumed by ‘brands’ and not the other
         chanced upon a well-known serial called            way round. Let us introspect on that – we
         Blacklist on Netflix – an engrossing               have allowed our data to be invaded by the
         serial based on an interplay between an            Facebooks, Amazons, Netflix and Googles
         international criminal and the FBI and how         of the world. FANGs will be out for money’s
         they work together to put down criminals           sake, but it is for us to de‘FANG’ them from
         and threats to people. An interesting aspect       our data. We have to opaque the glass wall
         is that every single bit of information or         of privacy.
         movement or activity or location of any
         criminal is traced out on the net and from
         digital data banks. A bit surreal, but it is
         very close to the reality of easy access to
         data. Get the drift – no information of yours
         is confidential or safe. Quite literally, users
          So, it is best to be circumspect and
         selective in our use the digital platforms, in
         our own interest.
          On a related note, I cannot help observing        We need to realise that no information of ours is fully
         the all-pervasive digital behaviour                confidential – so users must beware

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