Page 21 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 21

develops over a period of time, which              for the fear of access to the personal critical
         inevitably leads to further lowering of            data if the mobiles were to be lost or
         guards.                                            stolen. As a result, they prefer to use only
          Let me make an anecdotal point here. As a         their computers for net banking. Mobile
         retired corporate senior executive used to an      phones are used only for other platforms
         office support system, it was a huge struggle      where they can minimise their exposure
         initially to make the physical rounds of the       relatively. Same principle goes for the use of
         banks or the stock markets or mutual funds         messaging platforms like WhatsApp – none
         or the payment of utility bills or purchase        of us have used or will use the payment app
         or what have you. To avoid dying out like          of WhatsApp for reasons of safety.
         a dodo, and being innately adaptive and
         curious, I went digital almost entirely a          Continued concern
         few years ago – be it mobile wallets, net          The point is privacy will continue to be
         banking, investments purchase or sales,            a concern and under constant threat, no
         payments, transfers, purchases, UPI –              matter the claims on encryption, limited
         anything that we can do from the comfort of        use, etc. etc. One of the reasons everyone
         our homes. I access all these platforms not        claims Signal is safer is because it is an
         just from my computer, but increasingly            ‘open source’ platform and is not driven
         from my mobile. It will be a matter of time        by profit motives. Incidentally, Signal
         before I exit computers completely. My UPI         was founded by Brian Acton, who had
         is linked to a specific bank account where         co-founded WhatsApp and later sold it
         I keep just the minimum amounts to take            to Facebook in 2014. It is also given that
         care of routine use as also to mitigate risks. I   the governments will have some kind of
         am just hoping that no one can or will hack        oversight on all these platforms and can
         into my bank accounts or digital behaviour.        access our data through legal fiats. None of
         As against this, my two sons, both of whom         us as individuals can either avoid or obviate
         are computer science graduates, never ever         the access to our data when it comes to a
         use their mobile phones for net banking            crunch.

         Data is power, data is control – no player will let go of its monetisation or manipulation potential

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