Page 19 - Seniors Today - January Issue
P. 19


         The Glass Wall of Privacy

         Nagesh Alai comments on the uproar over WhatsApp’s recent revised
         privacy policy, and users’ eager migration to rival platforms

         Our footprints on the sands of time are             Over the past few days, Signal, the flavour
         ‘anitya’ or impermanent, but our footprints        of the day, has seen a million users signing
         on the highways of digital are ‘nitya’ or          up every day and chat groups in hordes
         permanent. It is a travesty of sorts that the      shifting out to it. Businesses and corporate
         transience of our life which many of us try        heads (including tech entrepreneur Elon
         hard to comprehend and internalise is so           Musk of Tesla) are encouraging or rather
         emphatically disrupted by the permanence           mandating shifting out from WhatsApp
         of our digital living impelled by technology.      to Signal. It will be a matter of time before
         The past few days have seen a spew of              the number equations change significantly
         fire engulfing the latest privacy policy of        between WhatsApp, Telegram and Signal,
         WhatsApp, forcing people to either agree           unless of course WhatsApp makes a retreat
         to their data being shared on Facebook or          on its privacy policy. Interestingly, other
         else quit the app. An adamantine ‘Mark’            chats are being developed and coming to the
         literally ‘sucks’ with the users which might       fore, like ‘Arattai’ literally meaning chat or
         perhaps lead to an exodus larger than what         gossip in Tamizh. I also see Viber, another
         Moses led out of Egypt aeons ago. Tellingly,       app not much top-of-mind currently,
         Telegram and Signal are witnessing an              regaining relevance over time.
         influx of piqued millions, on the perception
         of a relative safety of privacy. At last count,    The encryption question
         WhatsApp had 2 billion users, Telegram             End-to-end encryption is projected as a
         about 400 million and Signal about 10              guarantee of privacy and everyone claims
         million.                                           it in some form or the other, which to most

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